

AutocompletePrediction Represents a query's suggestions and its attributes, like matched substrings. 
AutocompletePrediction.Substring Represents a matched substring in a query suggestion's description. 
GeoDataApi Main entry point for the Google Geo Data API. 
Place Represents a particular physical place. 
PlaceDetectionApi Main entry point for the Google Place Detection API. 
PlaceLikelihood Represents a Place and the relative likelihood of the place being the best match within the list of returned places for a single request. 


AddPlaceRequest Represents a Place that you would like to add to Google’s Places database. 
AutocompleteFilter Filter for customizing the autocomplete predictions from the Geo Data API. 
AutocompletePredictionBuffer A DataBuffer that represents a list of AutocompletePredictionEntitys. 
PlaceBuffer Data structure providing access to a list of Places
PlaceFilter Criteria for filtering results from the Google Place Detection API. 
PlaceLikelihoodBuffer A DataBuffer that represents a list of PlaceLikelihoods. 
PlaceReport An indication from the client that the device is currently located at a particular place. 
Places The main entry point for apps to integrate with the Google Places service. 
PlacesOptions API configuration parameters for Places API. 
PlacesStatusCodes Places API specific status codes, for use in getStatusCode()  
PlaceTypes Convenient groupings of place types.