
Contains the Google+ platform for Android.


Account The main entry point for Google+ account management. 
Moments Methods and interfaces related to moments in Google+. 
Moments.LoadMomentsResult Information about the set of moments that was loaded. 
People Methods and interfaces related to people in Google+. 
People.LoadPeopleResult Information about the set of people that was loaded. 
People.OrderBy Constants to declare the order to return people in. 
PlusOneButton.OnPlusOneClickListener A listener for +1 button clicks. 


Plus The main entry point for Google+ integration. 
Plus.PlusOptions API configuration parameters for Google+. 
PlusOneButton The +1 button to recommend a URL on Google+. 
PlusOneButton.DefaultOnPlusOneClickListener This is an View.OnClickListener that will proxy clicks to an attached PlusOneButton.OnPlusOneClickListener, or default to attempt to start the intent using an Activity context. 
PlusOneDummyView A class used to statically generate dummy views in the event of an error retrieving a PlusOneButton from the apk  
PlusShare Utility class for including resources in posts shared on Google+ through an ACTION_SEND intent. 