
Internal PHP script engine implementation.
Applications should use the JSR 223 API instead.


Interface Summary
CloneableScript An interface which exposes a public clone method, unlike Object.clone() which is protected and throws exceptions...
IContinuation Classes implementing this interface represent the script continuation; they can be used to allocate php scripts on a HTTP- or FastCGI server.
IPhpScriptContext Common methods for all PHP ScriptContexts
IPhpScriptEngine Common methods for all PHP script engines
IScriptReader Read data from a URL or from a servlet and write the result to the output stream and a header parser.

Class Summary
AbstractPhpScriptContext A simple ScriptContext which can be used in servlet- or standalone environments.
CGIRunner This class can be used to run a PHP CGI binary.
CompiledPhpScript A cloneable CompiledScript
Continuation This class represents the logic to run PHP scripts through CGI, FastCGI or on a remote HTTP server (accessed through URLReader).
FastCGIProxy This class can be used to run (and to connect to) a FastCGI server.
HttpProxy Represents the script continuation.
InteractivePhpScriptContextFactory A custom context factory, creates a ContextFactory for JSR223 contexts.
InteractivePhpScriptEngine A convenience variant of the PHP script engine which can be used interactively.
InteractivePhpScriptEngineFactory Create a standalone interactive PHP script engines.
InvocablePhpScriptEngine This class implements the ScriptEngine and the Invocable interface.
InvocablePhpScriptEngineFactory Create a standalone invocable PHP script engines.
JavaBridgeScriptRunner This is the main entry point for the PHP/Java Bridge library.
PhpCompiledScriptContext A decorator for compiled script engines.
PhpJavaBridgeRunnerScriptContext A decorator which enables secure (HTTPS) connections.
PhpScriptContext This class implements a simple script context for PHP.
PhpScriptContextDecorator Abstract class for IPhpScriptContexts.
PhpScriptContextFactory A custom context factory, creates a ContextFactory for JSR223 contexts.
PhpScriptEngine This class implements the ScriptEngine.
PhpScriptEngineFactory Create a standalone PHP script engines.
PhpScriptWriter A PrintWriter backed by an OutputStream.
PhpSecureScriptContext A decorator which enables secure (HTTPS) connections.
ResultProxy Returned by ScriptEngine.eval( this class holds a proxy for the result code returned by PHP.
ScriptContextDecorator Abstract class for ScriptContexts.
URLReader This class can be used to connect to a HTTP server to allocate and to invoke php scripts.

Exception Summary
PhpScriptException This class is needed for compatibility with JDK 1.4

Package Description

Internal PHP script engine implementation.
Applications should use the JSR 223 API instead.