软件包 com.sun.media

Connector Defines common interface to input and output Connectors.
GraphInspector This interface defines the notification callbacks from the media engine during the data flow graph building process.
InputConnector InputConnector defines the buffer movement and format typing interface for input connectors.
Module A Module is a "black box" which does a part of the overall processing.
ModuleListener ModuleListener is an interface for handling asynchronous events generated by Modules.
OutputConnector OutputConnector defines the buffer movement and format typing interface for output connectors.
Reparentable Interface that extends Owned and allows the owner to be changed.
SlowPlugIn An interface to denote a particularly slow plugin.
StateTransistor StateTransistor is an interface with the functionality of performing the actual state transitions: DoPrefetch, DoRealize, etc.

BasicClock BasicClock implements javax.media.Clock.
BasicConnector Defines implementation of the Connector interface.
BasicController Media Controller implements the basic functionalities of a java.media.Controller.
BasicFilterModule BasicFilterModule is a module which is not threaded and have one InputConnector and one OutputConnector.
BasicInputConnector implementation of the inputConnector interface
BasicModule BasicModule Implements a basic JMF Module.
BasicMuxModule BasicMuxModule is a module which have InputConnectors and no OutputConnectors.
BasicOutputConnector implementation of the OutputConnector interface
BasicPlayer BasicPlayer implements the bases of a javax.media.Player.
BasicPlugIn basic implementation for the PlugIn interface
BasicProcessor BasicProcessor implements the bases of a javax.media.Processor.
BasicRendererModule BasicRenderer is a module which have InputConnectors and no OutputConnectors.
BasicSinkModule BasicSinkModule is the base class for the modules that are the end points of a flow graph.
BasicSourceModule MediaSource is a module which have OutputConnectors and no InputConnectors.
BasicTrackControl Basic track control for use with a Processor or Player.
CircularBuffer CircularQueue It implements a circular FIFO queue of references to Objects.
CreateSourceThreadAction The reason this class is in this package and not util is because it is used to create SourceThread in BasicSourceModule which is a package private classes.
CreateTimedThreadAction The reason this class is in this package and not util is because it is used to create threads like StopTimeThread, TimedStartThread in BasicController which are package private classes.
CreateWorkThreadAction The reason this class is in this package and not util is because it is used to create threads like SendEventQueue, RealizeWorkThread in BasicController, StatsThread in BasicPlayer which are package private classes.
IESecurity public final synchronized class com/ms/security/PermissionID extends java.lang.Object public static final com/ms/security/PermissionID SYSTEM; public static final com/ms/security/PermissionID FILEIO; public static final com/ms/security/PermissionID NETIO; public static final com/ms/security/PermissionID THREAD; public static final com/ms/security/PermissionID PROPERTY; public static final com/ms/security/PermissionID EXEC; public static final com/ms/security/PermissionID REFLECTION; public static final com/ms/security/PermissionID PRINTING; public static final com/ms/security/PermissionID SECURITY; public static final com/ms/security/PermissionID REGISTRY; public static final com/ms/security/PermissionID CLIENTSTORE; public static final com/ms/security/PermissionID UI; public static final com/ms/security/PermissionID SYSSTREAMS; public static final com/ms/security/PermissionID USERFILEIO; public static final com/ms/security/PermissionID MULTIMEDIA;
Log A public static class to generate and write to jmf.log.
MediaPlayer MediaPlayer extends BasicPlayer and uses PlaybackEngine to play media.
MediaProcessor MediaProcessor extends BasicProcessor and uses ProcessEngine to process media.
MediaTimeBase This is the abstract base class to create a time base out of the media time of a component.
PlaybackEngine PlaybackEngine implements the media engine for playback.
ProcessEngine ProcessEngine implements the media engine for processors.
SeekFailedEvent A SeekFailedEvent indicates that the Controller could not start at the current media time (set using setMediaTime).
SimpleGraphBuilder This is the Graph builder to generate the data flow graph for rendering an input format.