java.lang.Object | |
↳ | |
Fields | |||||||||||
abc_action_bar_home_description | Content description for the action bar "home" affordance. | ||||||||||
abc_action_bar_home_description_format | Formatting string for describing the action bar's title/home/up affordance. | ||||||||||
abc_action_bar_home_subtitle_description_format | Just like action_bar_home_description_format, but this one will be used if the window is also providing subtitle text. | ||||||||||
abc_action_bar_up_description | Content description for the action bar "up" affordance. | ||||||||||
abc_action_menu_overflow_description | Content description for the action menu overflow button. | ||||||||||
abc_action_mode_done | Label for the "Done" button on the far left of action mode toolbars. | ||||||||||
abc_activity_chooser_view_see_all | Title for a button to expand the list of activities in ActivityChooserView [CHAR LIMIT=25] | ||||||||||
abc_activitychooserview_choose_application | ActivityChooserView - accessibility support Description of the shwoing of a popup window with activities to choose from. | ||||||||||
abc_search_hint | Default hint text for the system-wide search UI's text field. | ||||||||||
abc_searchview_description_clear | SearchView accessibility description for clear button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] | ||||||||||
abc_searchview_description_query | SearchView accessibility description for search text field [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] | ||||||||||
abc_searchview_description_search | SearchView accessibility description for search button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] | ||||||||||
abc_searchview_description_submit | SearchView accessibility description for submit button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] | ||||||||||
abc_searchview_description_voice | SearchView accessibility description for voice button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] | ||||||||||
abc_shareactionprovider_share_with | Description of the choose target button in a ShareActionProvider (share UI). | ||||||||||
abc_shareactionprovider_share_with_application | Description of a share target (both in the list of such or the default share button) in a ShareActionProvider (share UI). | ||||||||||
abc_toolbar_collapse_description | Content description for the Toolbar icon used to collapse an expanded action mode. | ||||||||||
lb_control_display_fast_forward_multiplier | Onscreen label for the control button to fast forward media playback at a given speed multiplier | ||||||||||
lb_control_display_rewind_multiplier | Onscreen label for the control button to rewind media playback at a given speed multiplier | ||||||||||
lb_guidedactions_item_disabled_chevron_alpha | |||||||||||
lb_guidedactions_item_enabled_chevron_alpha | |||||||||||
lb_guidedactions_item_unselected_description_text_alpha | |||||||||||
lb_guidedactions_item_unselected_text_alpha | |||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_closed_captioning_disable | Talkback label for the control button to disable closed captioning | ||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_closed_captioning_enable | Talkback label for the control button to enable closed captioning | ||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_fast_forward | Talkback label for the control button to fast forward media playback | ||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_fast_forward_multiplier | Talkback label for the control button to fast forward media playback at a given speed multiplier | ||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_high_quality_disable | Talkback label for the control button to disable playback of media items of high quality | ||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_high_quality_enable | Talkback label for the control button to enable playback of media items of high quality | ||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_more_actions | Talkback label for the control button to display more actions | ||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_pause | Talkback label for the control button to pause media playback | ||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_play | Talkback label for the control button to start media playback | ||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_repeat_all | Talkback label for the control button to switch to a media playback mode where a set of media items will be repeated | ||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_repeat_none | Talkback label for the control button to switch to a media playback mode where item playback does not repeat | ||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_repeat_one | Talkback label for the control button to switch to a media playback mode where a single media item will be repeated | ||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_rewind | Talkback label for the control button to start rewind playback | ||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_rewind_multiplier | Talkback label for the control button to rewind media playback at a given speed multiplier | ||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_shuffle_disable | Talkback label for the control button to play media items in sequential order | ||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_shuffle_enable | Talkback label for the control button to enable random selection of the next media item | ||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_skip_next | Talkback label for the control button to skip to the next media item | ||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_skip_previous | Talkback label for the control button to skip to the previous media item | ||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_thumb_down | Talkback label for the control button to deselect the thumb down rating for the current media item | ||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_thumb_down_outline | Talkback label for the control button to select the thumb down rating for the current media item | ||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_thumb_up | Talkback label for the control button to deselect the thumb up rating for the current media item | ||||||||||
lb_playback_controls_thumb_up_outline | Talkback label for the control button to select the thumb up rating for the current media item | ||||||||||
lb_search_bar_hint | Hint showing in the empty search bar [CHAR LIMIT=40] | ||||||||||
lb_search_bar_hint_speech | Hint showing in the empty search bar when using the voice input [CHAR LIMIT=40] | ||||||||||
lb_search_bar_hint_with_title | Hint showing in the empty search bar using a provided context (usually the application name) [CHAR LIMIT=40] | ||||||||||
lb_search_bar_hint_with_title_speech | Hint showing in the empty search bar using a provided context (usually the application name) while in voice input mode [CHAR LIMIT=40] | ||||||||||
orb_search_action | Image description for the call to search action visible when browsing content [CHAR LIMIT=40] | ||||||||||
status_bar_notification_info_overflow | Text to use when the number in a notification info is too large (greater than status_bar_notification_info_maxnum, defined in values/config.xml) and must be truncated. | ||||||||||
v7_preference_off | |||||||||||
v7_preference_on |
Public Constructors | |||||||||||
Inherited Methods | |||||||||||
![]() |
Content description for the action bar "home" affordance. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
Formatting string for describing the action bar's title/home/up affordance. This is a single tappable "button" that includes the app icon, the Up indicator (usually a "<" chevron) and the window title text. %1$s is the title. %2$s is the description of what tapping/clicking the whole thing is going to do.
Just like action_bar_home_description_format, but this one will be used if the window is also providing subtitle text. %1$s is the title. %2$s is the subtitle. %3$s is the description of what tapping/clicking the whole thing is going to do.
Content description for the action bar "up" affordance. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
Content description for the action menu overflow button. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
Label for the "Done" button on the far left of action mode toolbars.
Title for a button to expand the list of activities in ActivityChooserView [CHAR LIMIT=25]
ActivityChooserView - accessibility support Description of the shwoing of a popup window with activities to choose from. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
Default hint text for the system-wide search UI's text field. [CHAR LIMIT=30]
SearchView accessibility description for clear button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
SearchView accessibility description for search text field [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
SearchView accessibility description for search button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
SearchView accessibility description for submit button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
SearchView accessibility description for voice button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
Description of the choose target button in a ShareActionProvider (share UI). [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
Description of a share target (both in the list of such or the default share button) in a ShareActionProvider (share UI). [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
Content description for the Toolbar icon used to collapse an expanded action mode. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
Onscreen label for the control button to fast forward media playback at a given speed multiplier
Onscreen label for the control button to rewind media playback at a given speed multiplier
Talkback label for the control button to disable closed captioning
Talkback label for the control button to enable closed captioning
Talkback label for the control button to fast forward media playback
Talkback label for the control button to fast forward media playback at a given speed multiplier
Talkback label for the control button to disable playback of media items of high quality
Talkback label for the control button to enable playback of media items of high quality
Talkback label for the control button to display more actions
Talkback label for the control button to pause media playback
Talkback label for the control button to start media playback
Talkback label for the control button to switch to a media playback mode where a set of media items will be repeated
Talkback label for the control button to switch to a media playback mode where item playback does not repeat
Talkback label for the control button to switch to a media playback mode where a single media item will be repeated
Talkback label for the control button to start rewind playback
Talkback label for the control button to rewind media playback at a given speed multiplier
Talkback label for the control button to play media items in sequential order
Talkback label for the control button to enable random selection of the next media item
Talkback label for the control button to skip to the next media item
Talkback label for the control button to skip to the previous media item
Talkback label for the control button to deselect the thumb down rating for the current media item
Talkback label for the control button to select the thumb down rating for the current media item
Talkback label for the control button to deselect the thumb up rating for the current media item
Talkback label for the control button to select the thumb up rating for the current media item
Hint showing in the empty search bar [CHAR LIMIT=40]
Hint showing in the empty search bar when using the voice input [CHAR LIMIT=40]
Hint showing in the empty search bar using a provided context (usually the application name) [CHAR LIMIT=40]
Hint showing in the empty search bar using a provided context (usually the application name) while in voice input mode [CHAR LIMIT=40]
Image description for the call to search action visible when browsing content [CHAR LIMIT=40]
Text to use when the number in a notification info is too large (greater than status_bar_notification_info_maxnum, defined in values/config.xml) and must be truncated. May need to be localized for most appropriate textual indicator of "more than X". [CHAR LIMIT=4]