public static interface


Note: The Wearable Support Library classes under the package are subject to change. For the full Android API reference, see Reference.

Class Overview

Interface for listening for click events on WearableListView.


Public Methods
abstract void onClick(WearableListView.ViewHolder view)
Called when the central child of the WearableListView is tapped.
abstract void onTopEmptyRegionClick()
Called when the user taps the top third of the WearableListView and no item is present there.

Public Methods

public abstract void onClick (WearableListView.ViewHolder view)

Called when the central child of the WearableListView is tapped.

view View that was clicked.

public abstract void onTopEmptyRegionClick ()

Called when the user taps the top third of the WearableListView and no item is present there. This can happen when you are in initial state and the first, top-most item of the WearableListView is centered.