Android APIs
public final class


extends Object
   ↳ android.system.StructStat

Class Overview

File information returned by fstat(FileDescriptor), lstat(String), and stat(String). Corresponds to C's struct stat from <stat.h>.


public final long st_atime Time of last access.
public final long st_blksize A file system-specific preferred I/O block size for this object.
public final long st_blocks Number of blocks allocated for this object.
public final long st_ctime Time of last status change.
public final long st_dev Device ID of device containing file.
public final int st_gid Group ID of file.
public final long st_ino File serial number (inode).
public final int st_mode Mode (permissions) of file.
public final long st_mtime Time of last data modification.
public final long st_nlink Number of hard links to the file.
public final long st_rdev Device ID (if file is character or block special).
public final long st_size For regular files, the file size in bytes.
public final int st_uid User ID of file.
Public Constructors
StructStat(long st_dev, long st_ino, int st_mode, long st_nlink, int st_uid, int st_gid, long st_rdev, long st_size, long st_atime, long st_mtime, long st_ctime, long st_blksize, long st_blocks)
Constructs an instance with the given field values.
Public Methods
String toString()
Returns a string containing a concise, human-readable description of this object.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public final long st_atime

Added in API level 21

Time of last access.

public final long st_blksize

Added in API level 21

A file system-specific preferred I/O block size for this object. For some file system types, this may vary from file to file.

public final long st_blocks

Added in API level 21

Number of blocks allocated for this object.

public final long st_ctime

Added in API level 21

Time of last status change.

public final long st_dev

Added in API level 21

Device ID of device containing file.

public final int st_gid

Added in API level 21

Group ID of file.

public final long st_ino

Added in API level 21

File serial number (inode).

public final int st_mode

Added in API level 21

Mode (permissions) of file.

public final long st_mtime

Added in API level 21

Time of last data modification.

public final long st_nlink

Added in API level 21

Number of hard links to the file.

public final long st_rdev

Added in API level 21

Device ID (if file is character or block special).

public final long st_size

Added in API level 21

For regular files, the file size in bytes. For symbolic links, the length in bytes of the pathname contained in the symbolic link. For a shared memory object, the length in bytes. For a typed memory object, the length in bytes. For other file types, the use of this field is unspecified.

public final int st_uid

Added in API level 21

User ID of file.

Public Constructors

public StructStat (long st_dev, long st_ino, int st_mode, long st_nlink, int st_uid, int st_gid, long st_rdev, long st_size, long st_atime, long st_mtime, long st_ctime, long st_blksize, long st_blocks)

Added in API level 21

Constructs an instance with the given field values.

Public Methods

public String toString ()

Added in API level 21

Returns a string containing a concise, human-readable description of this object. Subclasses are encouraged to override this method and provide an implementation that takes into account the object's type and data. The default implementation is equivalent to the following expression:

   getClass().getName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(hashCode())

See Writing a useful toString method if you intend implementing your own toString method.

  • a printable representation of this object.