Android APIs
public static class


extends Object
   ↳ android.telecom.RemoteConnection.VideoProvider

Class Overview

RemoteConnection.VideoProvider associated with a RemoteConnection. Used to receive video related events and control the video associated with a RemoteConnection.


Nested Classes
class RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.Callback Callback class used by the RemoteConnection.VideoProvider to relay events from the Connection.VideoProvider
Public Methods
void registerCallback(RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.Callback l)
Registers a callback to receive commands and state changes for video calls.
void requestCallDataUsage()
Issues a request to retrieve the data usage (in bytes) of the video portion of the RemoteConnection for the RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.
void requestCameraCapabilities()
Issues a request to retrieve the capabilities of the current camera for the RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.
void sendSessionModifyRequest(VideoProfile fromProfile, VideoProfile toProfile)
Issues a request to modify the properties of the current video session for the RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.
void sendSessionModifyResponse(VideoProfile responseProfile)
Provides a response to a request to change the current call video session properties for the RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.
void setCamera(String cameraId)
Sets the camera to be used for the outgoing video for the RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.
void setDeviceOrientation(int rotation)
Sets the device orientation, in degrees, for the RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.
void setDisplaySurface(Surface surface)
Sets the surface to be used for displaying the video received from the remote device for the RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.
void setPauseImage(Uri uri)
Sets the Uri of an image to be displayed to the peer device when the video signal is paused, for the RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.
void setPreviewSurface(Surface surface)
Sets the surface to be used for displaying a preview of what the user's camera is currently capturing for the RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.
void setZoom(float value)
Sets camera zoom ratio for the RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.
void unregisterCallback(RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.Callback l)
Clears the video call callback set via registerCallback(RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.Callback).
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public void registerCallback (RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.Callback l)

Added in API level 23

Registers a callback to receive commands and state changes for video calls.

l The video call callback.

public void requestCallDataUsage ()

Added in API level 23

Issues a request to retrieve the data usage (in bytes) of the video portion of the RemoteConnection for the RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.

public void requestCameraCapabilities ()

Added in API level 23

Issues a request to retrieve the capabilities of the current camera for the RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.

public void sendSessionModifyRequest (VideoProfile fromProfile, VideoProfile toProfile)

Added in API level 23

Issues a request to modify the properties of the current video session for the RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.

fromProfile The video profile prior to the request.
toProfile The video profile with the requested changes made.

public void sendSessionModifyResponse (VideoProfile responseProfile)

Added in API level 23

Provides a response to a request to change the current call video session properties for the RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.

responseProfile The response call video properties.

public void setCamera (String cameraId)

Added in API level 23

Sets the camera to be used for the outgoing video for the RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.

cameraId The id of the camera (use ids as reported by getCameraIdList()).

public void setDeviceOrientation (int rotation)

Added in API level 23

Sets the device orientation, in degrees, for the RemoteConnection.VideoProvider. Assumes that a standard portrait orientation of the device is 0 degrees.

rotation The device orientation, in degrees.

public void setDisplaySurface (Surface surface)

Added in API level 23

Sets the surface to be used for displaying the video received from the remote device for the RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.

surface The Surface.

public void setPauseImage (Uri uri)

Added in API level 23

Sets the Uri of an image to be displayed to the peer device when the video signal is paused, for the RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.

public void setPreviewSurface (Surface surface)

Added in API level 23

Sets the surface to be used for displaying a preview of what the user's camera is currently capturing for the RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.

surface The Surface.

public void setZoom (float value)

Added in API level 23

Sets camera zoom ratio for the RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.

value The camera zoom ratio.
See Also

public void unregisterCallback (RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.Callback l)

Added in API level 23

Clears the video call callback set via registerCallback(RemoteConnection.VideoProvider.Callback).

l The video call callback to clear.