java.lang.Object | |
↳ | android.telephony.CarrierConfigManager |
Provides access to telephony configuration values that are carrier-specific.
Users should obtain an instance of this class by calling
Constants | |||||||||||
String | ACTION_CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED | This intent is broadcast by the system when carrier config changes. | |||||||||
String | KEY_ADDITIONAL_CALL_SETTING_BOOL | Does not display additional call seting for IMS phone based on GSM Phone | |||||||||
String | KEY_ALLOW_EMERGENCY_NUMBERS_IN_CALL_LOG_BOOL | Determines if the current device should allow emergency numbers to be logged in the Call Log. | |||||||||
String | KEY_ALLOW_LOCAL_DTMF_TONES_BOOL | Determine whether we want to play local DTMF tones in a call, or just let the radio/BP handle playing of the tones. | |||||||||
String | KEY_APN_EXPAND_BOOL | Control whether users can edit APNs in Settings. | |||||||||
String | KEY_AUTO_RETRY_ENABLED_BOOL | Flag indicating if auto retry is enabled | |||||||||
String | KEY_CARRIER_ALLOW_TURNOFF_IMS_BOOL | Flag specifying whether IMS service can be turned off. | |||||||||
String | KEY_CARRIER_SETTINGS_ENABLE_BOOL | Display carrier settings menu if true | |||||||||
String | KEY_CARRIER_VOLTE_AVAILABLE_BOOL | Flag specifying whether VoLTE should be available for carrier, independent of carrier provisioning. | |||||||||
String | KEY_CARRIER_VOLTE_PROVISIONING_REQUIRED_BOOL | Flag specifying whether provisioning is required for VOLTE. | |||||||||
String | KEY_CARRIER_VOLTE_TTY_SUPPORTED_BOOL | Flag specifying whether VoLTE TTY is supported. | |||||||||
String | KEY_CARRIER_VT_AVAILABLE_BOOL | Flag specifying whether video telephony is available for carrier. | |||||||||
String | KEY_CARRIER_VVM_PACKAGE_NAME_STRING | The package name of the carrier's visual voicemail app to ensure that dialer visual voicemail and carrier visual voicemail are not active at the same time. | |||||||||
String | KEY_CARRIER_WFC_IMS_AVAILABLE_BOOL | Flag specifying whether WFC over IMS should be available for carrier: independent of carrier provisioning. | |||||||||
String | KEY_CDMA_NONROAMING_NETWORKS_STRING_ARRAY | Override the platform's notion of a network operator being considered non roaming. | |||||||||
String | KEY_CDMA_ROAMING_NETWORKS_STRING_ARRAY | Override the platform's notion of a network operator being considered roaming. | |||||||||
String | KEY_CSP_ENABLED_BOOL | If this is true, the SIM card (through Customer Service Profile EF file) will be able to prevent manual operator selection. | |||||||||
String | KEY_DEFAULT_SIM_CALL_MANAGER_STRING | The default sim call manager to use when the default dialer doesn't implement one. | |||||||||
String | KEY_DISABLE_CDMA_ACTIVATION_CODE_BOOL | Disables dialing "*228" (OTASP provisioning) on CDMA carriers where it is not supported or is potentially harmful by locking the SIM to 3G. | |||||||||
String | KEY_DTMF_TYPE_ENABLED_BOOL | Flag indicating if dtmf tone type is enabled | |||||||||
String | KEY_ENABLE_DIALER_KEY_VIBRATION_BOOL | If true, enable vibration (haptic feedback) for key presses in the EmergencyDialer activity. | |||||||||
String | KEY_FORCE_HOME_NETWORK_BOOL | Override the platform's notion of a network operator being considered non roaming. | |||||||||
String | KEY_GSM_NONROAMING_NETWORKS_STRING_ARRAY | Override the platform's notion of a network operator being considered not roaming. | |||||||||
String | KEY_GSM_ROAMING_NETWORKS_STRING_ARRAY | Override the platform's notion of a network operator being considered roaming. | |||||||||
String | KEY_HAS_IN_CALL_NOISE_SUPPRESSION_BOOL | Determines if device implements a noise suppression device for in call audio. | |||||||||
String | KEY_HIDE_CARRIER_NETWORK_SETTINGS_BOOL | Control whether users can reach the carrier portions of Cellular Network Settings. | |||||||||
String | KEY_HIDE_SIM_LOCK_SETTINGS_BOOL | Control whether users can reach the SIM lock settings. | |||||||||
String | KEY_IGNORE_SIM_NETWORK_LOCKED_EVENTS_BOOL | Flag indicating whether the Phone app should ignore EVENT_SIM_NETWORK_LOCKED events from the Sim. | |||||||||
String | KEY_MMS_ALIAS_ENABLED_BOOL | ||||||||||
String | KEY_MMS_ALIAS_MAX_CHARS_INT | ||||||||||
String | KEY_MMS_ALIAS_MIN_CHARS_INT | ||||||||||
String | KEY_MMS_GROUP_MMS_ENABLED_BOOL | ||||||||||
String | KEY_MMS_HTTP_PARAMS_STRING | ||||||||||
String | KEY_MMS_MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT_INT | ||||||||||
String | KEY_MMS_MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH_INT | ||||||||||
String | KEY_MMS_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE_INT | ||||||||||
String | KEY_MMS_MMS_ENABLED_BOOL | ||||||||||
String | KEY_MMS_NAI_SUFFIX_STRING | ||||||||||
String | KEY_MMS_RECIPIENT_LIMIT_INT | ||||||||||
String | KEY_MMS_SUBJECT_MAX_LENGTH_INT | ||||||||||
String | KEY_MMS_UA_PROF_TAG_NAME_STRING | ||||||||||
String | KEY_MMS_UA_PROF_URL_STRING | ||||||||||
String | KEY_MMS_USER_AGENT_STRING | ||||||||||
String | KEY_OPERATOR_SELECTION_EXPAND_BOOL | Control whether users can choose a network operator. | |||||||||
String | KEY_PREFER_2G_BOOL | Used in Cellular Network Settings for preferred network type. | |||||||||
String | KEY_SHOW_APN_SETTING_CDMA_BOOL | Show APN Settings for some CDMA carriers | |||||||||
String | KEY_SHOW_CDMA_CHOICES_BOOL | Show cdma network mode choices 1x, 3G, global etc. | |||||||||
String | KEY_SHOW_ONSCREEN_DIAL_BUTTON_BOOL | If true, show an onscreen "Dial" button in the dialer. | |||||||||
String | KEY_SIM_NETWORK_UNLOCK_ALLOW_DISMISS_BOOL | Flag indicating whether the Phone app should provide a "Dismiss" button on the SIM network unlock screen. | |||||||||
String | KEY_SUPPORT_PAUSE_IMS_VIDEO_CALLS_BOOL | For IMS video over LTE calls, determines whether video pause signalling is supported. | |||||||||
String | KEY_SUPPORT_SWAP_AFTER_MERGE_BOOL | After a CDMA conference call is merged, the swap button should be displayed. | |||||||||
String | KEY_USE_HFA_FOR_PROVISIONING_BOOL | CDMA activation goes through HFA | |||||||||
String | KEY_USE_OTASP_FOR_PROVISIONING_BOOL | CDMA activation goes through OTASP. | |||||||||
String | KEY_VOICEMAIL_NOTIFICATION_PERSISTENT_BOOL | Determine whether the voicemail notification is persistent in the notification bar. | |||||||||
String | KEY_VOICE_PRIVACY_DISABLE_UI_BOOL | If true, removes the Voice Privacy option from Call Settings | |||||||||
String | KEY_VOLTE_REPLACEMENT_RAT_INT | If Voice Radio Technology is RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_LTE:14 or RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN:0 this is the value that should be used instead. | |||||||||
String | KEY_VVM_DESTINATION_NUMBER_STRING | The carrier number mobile outgoing (MO) sms messages are sent to. | |||||||||
String | KEY_VVM_PORT_NUMBER_INT | The port through which the mobile outgoing (MO) sms messages are sent through. | |||||||||
String | KEY_VVM_TYPE_STRING | The type of visual voicemail protocol the carrier adheres to. | |||||||||
String | KEY_WORLD_PHONE_BOOL | Flag indicating if the phone is a world phone |
Public Methods | |||||||||||
Gets the configuration values for the default subscription.
| |||||||||||
Gets the configuration values for a particular subscription, which is associated with a
specific SIM card.
| |||||||||||
Calling this method triggers telephony services to fetch the current carrier configuration.
Inherited Methods | |||||||||||
![]() |
This intent is broadcast by the system when carrier config changes.
Does not display additional call seting for IMS phone based on GSM Phone
Determines if the current device should allow emergency numbers to be logged in the Call Log. (Some carriers require that emergency calls *not* be logged, presumably to avoid the risk of accidental redialing from the call log UI. This is a good idea, so the default here is false.)
Determine whether we want to play local DTMF tones in a call, or just let the radio/BP handle playing of the tones.
Control whether users can edit APNs in Settings.
Flag indicating if auto retry is enabled
Flag specifying whether IMS service can be turned off. If false then the service will not be turned-off completely, but individual features can be disabled.
Display carrier settings menu if true
Flag specifying whether VoLTE should be available for carrier, independent of carrier provisioning. If false: hard disabled. If true: then depends on carrier provisioning, availability, etc.
Flag specifying whether provisioning is required for VOLTE.
Flag specifying whether VoLTE TTY is supported.
Flag specifying whether video telephony is available for carrier. If false: hard disabled. If true: then depends on carrier provisioning, availability, etc.
The package name of the carrier's visual voicemail app to ensure that dialer visual voicemail and carrier visual voicemail are not active at the same time.
Flag specifying whether WFC over IMS should be available for carrier: independent of carrier provisioning. If false: hard disabled. If true: then depends on carrier provisioning, availability etc.
Override the platform's notion of a network operator being considered non roaming. Value is string array of SIDs to be considered not roaming for 3GPP2 RATs.
Override the platform's notion of a network operator being considered roaming. Value is string array of SIDs to be considered roaming for 3GPP2 RATs.
If this is true, the SIM card (through Customer Service Profile EF file) will be able to prevent manual operator selection. If false, this SIM setting will be ignored and manual operator selection will always be available. See CPHS4_2.WW6, CPHS B.4.7.1 for more information
The default sim call manager to use when the default dialer doesn't implement one. A sim call manager can control and route outgoing and incoming phone calls, even if they're placed using another connection service (PSTN, for example).
Disables dialing "*228" (OTASP provisioning) on CDMA carriers where it is not supported or is potentially harmful by locking the SIM to 3G.
Flag indicating if dtmf tone type is enabled
If true, enable vibration (haptic feedback) for key presses in the EmergencyDialer activity. The pattern is set on a per-platform basis using config_virtualKeyVibePattern. To be consistent with the regular Dialer, this value should agree with the corresponding values from config.xml under apps/Contacts.
Override the platform's notion of a network operator being considered non roaming. If true all networks are considered as home network a.k.a non-roaming. When false, the 2 pairs of CMDA and GSM roaming/non-roaming arrays are consulted.
Override the platform's notion of a network operator being considered not roaming. Value is string array of MCCMNCs to be considered not roaming for 3GPP RATs.
Override the platform's notion of a network operator being considered roaming. Value is string array of MCCMNCs to be considered roaming for 3GPP RATs.
Determines if device implements a noise suppression device for in call audio.
Control whether users can reach the carrier portions of Cellular Network Settings.
Control whether users can reach the SIM lock settings.
Flag indicating whether the Phone app should ignore EVENT_SIM_NETWORK_LOCKED events from the Sim. If true, this will prevent the IccNetworkDepersonalizationPanel from being shown, and effectively disable the "Sim network lock" feature.
Control whether users can choose a network operator.
Used in Cellular Network Settings for preferred network type.
Show APN Settings for some CDMA carriers
Show cdma network mode choices 1x, 3G, global etc.
If true, show an onscreen "Dial" button in the dialer. In practice this is used on all platforms, even the ones with hard SEND/END keys, but for maximum flexibility it's controlled by a flag here (which can be overridden on a per-product basis.)
Flag indicating whether the Phone app should provide a "Dismiss" button on the SIM network unlock screen. The default value is true. If set to false, there will be *no way* to dismiss the SIM network unlock screen if you don't enter the correct unlock code. (One important consequence: there will be no way to make an Emergency Call if your SIM is network-locked and you don't know the PIN.)
For IMS video over LTE calls, determines whether video pause signalling is supported.
After a CDMA conference call is merged, the swap button should be displayed.
CDMA activation goes through HFA
CDMA activation goes through OTASP.
TODO: This should be combined with config_use_hfa_for_provisioning and implemented as an enum (NONE, HFA, OTASP).
Determine whether the voicemail notification is persistent in the notification bar. If true, the voicemail notifications cannot be dismissed from the notification bar.
If true, removes the Voice Privacy option from Call Settings
If Voice Radio Technology is RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_LTE:14 or RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN:0 this is the value that should be used instead. A configuration value of RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN:0 means there is no replacement value and that the default assumption for phone type (GSM) should be used.
The carrier number mobile outgoing (MO) sms messages are sent to.
The port through which the mobile outgoing (MO) sms messages are sent through.
The type of visual voicemail protocol the carrier adheres to. See TelephonyManager
for possible values. For example VVM_TYPE_OMTP
Flag indicating if the phone is a world phone
Gets the configuration values for the default subscription.
Requires Permission:
Gets the configuration values for a particular subscription, which is associated with a specific SIM card. If an invalid subId is used, the returned config will contain default values.
Requires Permission:
subId | the subscription ID, normally obtained from SubscriptionManager . |
containing the config for the given subId, or default
values for an invalid subId.
Calling this method triggers telephony services to fetch the current carrier configuration.
Normally this does not need to be called because the platform reloads config on its own. This should be called by a carrier service app if it wants to update config at an arbitrary moment.
Requires that the calling app has carrier privileges.