Uses of Class

Packages that use ScriptException
javax.script JSR 223 classes and interfaces. Internal PHP script engine implementation.
Applications should use the JSR 223 API instead. 

Uses of ScriptException in javax.script

Methods in javax.script that throw ScriptException
 CompiledScript Compilable.compile( reader)
          Retrieves a CompileScript implementation for the script obtained using as the script source.
 CompiledScript Compilable.compile(java.lang.String script)
          Retrieves a CompileScript implementation for the given piece of script which is a abstraction for the intermediate code produced by the compilation.
 java.lang.Object CompiledScript.eval()
          Re-evaluates the pre-compiled script
 java.lang.Object CompiledScript.eval(Bindings namespace)
          Re-evaluates the pre-compiled script using the specified namespace as the SCRIPT_SCOPE and using ENGINE_SCOPE, GLOBAL_SCOPE of the associated ScriptEngine.
 java.lang.Object ScriptEngine.eval( reader)
          Evaluates a piece of script obtained using the specified reader as the script source.
 java.lang.Object AbstractScriptEngine.eval( reader)
          Evaluates a piece of script obtained using the specified reader as the script source.
 java.lang.Object ScriptEngine.eval( reader, Bindings namespace)
          Evaluates a piece of scripts obtained using a reader as the script source and using the specified namespace as the SCRIPT_SCOPE.
 java.lang.Object AbstractScriptEngine.eval( reader, Bindings nameSpace)
          Evaluates a piece of scripts obtained using a reader as the script source and using the specified namespace as the SCRIPT_SCOPE.
 java.lang.Object ScriptEngine.eval( reader, ScriptContext context)
          Evaluates a script obtained using the specified reader as the script source and using the namespaces in the specifed ScriptContext.
abstract  java.lang.Object CompiledScript.eval(ScriptContext context)
          Re-evaluates the recompiled script using the specified ScriptContext.
 java.lang.Object ScriptEngine.eval(java.lang.String script)
          Evaluates a piece of script and returns the resultant object.
 java.lang.Object AbstractScriptEngine.eval(java.lang.String script)
          Evaluates a piece of script and returns the resultant object.
 java.lang.Object ScriptEngine.eval(java.lang.String script, Bindings namespace)
          Evaluates a piece of script using the specified namespace as the SCRIPT_SCOPE.
 java.lang.Object AbstractScriptEngine.eval(java.lang.String script, Bindings nameSpace)
          Evaluates a piece of script using the specified namespace as its SCRIPT_SCOPE.
 java.lang.Object ScriptEngine.eval(java.lang.String script, ScriptContext context)
          Evaluates a script using the namespaces in the specifed ScriptContext.
 java.lang.Object Invocable.invokeFunction(java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] args)
          Invokes a scripting procedure with the given name using the array of objects as its arguments set.
 java.lang.Object Invocable.invokeMethod(java.lang.Object thiz, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] args)
          Invokes a procedure on an object which already defined in the script using the array of objects as its arguments set.

Uses of ScriptException in

Subclasses of ScriptException in
 class PhpScriptException
          This class is needed for compatibility with JDK 1.4

Methods in that throw ScriptException
 java.lang.Object CompiledPhpScript.eval(ScriptContext context)
          Re-evaluates the recompiled script using the specified ScriptContext.
 java.lang.Object InteractivePhpScriptEngine.eval(java.lang.String script, ScriptContext context)
          Evaluate a PHP line.
 java.lang.Object InvocablePhpScriptEngine.invokeFunction(java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] args)
          Invokes a scripting procedure with the given name using the array of objects as its arguments set.
 java.lang.Object InvocablePhpScriptEngine.invokeMethod(java.lang.Object thiz, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] args)
          Invokes a procedure on an object which already defined in the script using the array of objects as its arguments set.