Android APIs
public final class


extends Object

Class Overview

Facilitates sending of motion events to a UiController.


Nested Classes
class MotionEvents.DownResultHolder Holds the result of a down motion. 
Public Methods
static void sendCancel(UiController uiController, MotionEvent downEvent)
static MotionEvents.DownResultHolder sendDown(UiController uiController, float[] coordinates, float[] precision)
static boolean sendMovement(UiController uiController, MotionEvent downEvent, float[] coordinates)
static boolean sendUp(UiController uiController, MotionEvent downEvent)
static boolean sendUp(UiController uiController, MotionEvent downEvent, float[] coordinates)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public static void sendCancel (UiController uiController, MotionEvent downEvent)

public static MotionEvents.DownResultHolder sendDown (UiController uiController, float[] coordinates, float[] precision)

public static boolean sendMovement (UiController uiController, MotionEvent downEvent, float[] coordinates)

public static boolean sendUp (UiController uiController, MotionEvent downEvent)

public static boolean sendUp (UiController uiController, MotionEvent downEvent, float[] coordinates)