Android APIs


AdapterViewProtocol A sadly necessary layer of indirection to interact with AdapterViews. 
AdapterViewProtocol.DataFunction A custom function that is applied when getData() is executed. 
CoordinatesProvider Interface to implement calculation of Coordinates. 
PrecisionDescriber Interface to implement size of click area. 
Swiper Interface to implement different swipe types. 
Tapper Interface to implement different click types. 


AdapterDataLoaderAction Forces an AdapterView to ensure that the data matching a provided data matcher is loaded into the current view hierarchy. 
AdapterViewProtocol.AdaptedData A holder that associates a data object from an AdapterView with a token the AdapterViewProtocol can use to force that data object to be rendered as a child or deeper descendant of the adapter view. 
AdapterViewProtocols Implementations of AdapterViewProtocol for standard SDK Widgets. 
CloseKeyboardAction Closes soft keyboard. 
EditorAction Performs whatever editor (IME) action is available on a view. 
EspressoKey Class that wraps the key code and meta state of the desired key press. 
EspressoKey.Builder Builder for the EspressoKey class. 
GeneralClickAction Enables clicking on views. 
GeneralSwipeAction Enables swiping across a view. 
KeyEventAction Enables pressing KeyEvents on views. 
MotionEvents Facilitates sending of motion events to a UiController
MotionEvents.DownResultHolder Holds the result of a down motion. 
OpenLinkAction Invokes onClick of a link within a TextView (made with Linkify or via another method). 
ReplaceTextAction Replaces view text by setting EditTexts text property to given String. 
ScrollToAction Enables scrolling to the given view. 
TypeTextAction Enables typing text on views. 
ViewActions A collection of common ViewActions


GeneralLocation Calculates coordinate position for general locations. 
Press Returns different touch target sizes. 
Swipe Executes different swipe types to given positions. 
Swiper.Status The result of the swipe. 
Tap Executes different click types to given position. 
Tapper.Status The result of the tap.