public final class


extends Object

Class Overview

A collection of hamcrest matchers for matching Intent objects.


Public Methods
static Matcher<Intent> anyIntent()
static Matcher<Intent> hasAction(String action)
static Matcher<Intent> hasAction(Matcher<String> actionMatcher)
static Matcher<Intent> hasCategories(Set<String> categories)
static Matcher<Intent> hasCategories(Matcher<? extends Iterable<? super String>> categoriesMatcher)
static Matcher<Intent> hasComponent(ComponentName componentName)
Returns a matcher that will only match intents targeted to the componentName's class, .
static Matcher<Intent> hasComponent(Matcher<ComponentName> componentMatcher)
Can match an intent by class name, package name or short class name.
static Matcher<Intent> hasComponent(String className)
Returns a matcher that will only match intents targeted to a single class by using hasClassName(String).
static Matcher<Intent> hasData(Matcher<Uri> uriMatcher)
static Matcher<Intent> hasData(String uri)
static Matcher<Intent> hasData(Uri uri)
static Matcher<Intent> hasExtra(Matcher<String> keyMatcher, Matcher<?> valueMatcher)
static <T> Matcher<Intent> hasExtra(String key, T value)
static Matcher<Intent> hasExtraWithKey(String key)
static Matcher<Intent> hasExtraWithKey(Matcher<String> keyMatcher)
static Matcher<Intent> hasExtras(Matcher<Bundle> bundleMatcher)
static Matcher<Intent> hasFlag(int flag)
static Matcher<Intent> hasFlags(int... flags)
static Matcher<Intent> hasFlags(int flags)
static Matcher<Intent> hasPackage(String packageName)
static Matcher<Intent> hasPackage(Matcher<String> packageMatcher)
static Matcher<Intent> hasType(Matcher<String> typeMatcher)
static Matcher<Intent> hasType(String type)
static Matcher<Intent> isInternal()
Matches an intent if its package is the same as the target package for the instrumentation test.
static Matcher<Intent> toPackage(String packageName)
Matches an intent based on the package of activity which can handle the intent.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public static Matcher<Intent> anyIntent ()

public static Matcher<Intent> hasAction (String action)

public static Matcher<Intent> hasAction (Matcher<String> actionMatcher)

public static Matcher<Intent> hasCategories (Set<String> categories)

public static Matcher<Intent> hasCategories (Matcher<? extends Iterable<? super String>> categoriesMatcher)

public static Matcher<Intent> hasComponent (ComponentName componentName)

Returns a matcher that will only match intents targeted to the componentName's class, . For example: Intent intent = new Intent() .setComponentName(new ComponentName("", "")); will match all intents targeted to

componentName a componentName that has the target class specified
See Also

public static Matcher<Intent> hasComponent (Matcher<ComponentName> componentMatcher)

Can match an intent by class name, package name or short class name.

componentMatcher can be the value of hasClassName(String), hasPackageName(String) or hasShortClassName(String)

public static Matcher<Intent> hasComponent (String className)

Returns a matcher that will only match intents targeted to a single class by using hasClassName(String). The input string must contain the package name + short class name. For example hasComponent("").

className complete class path

public static Matcher<Intent> hasData (Matcher<Uri> uriMatcher)

public static Matcher<Intent> hasData (String uri)

public static Matcher<Intent> hasData (Uri uri)

public static Matcher<Intent> hasExtra (Matcher<String> keyMatcher, Matcher<?> valueMatcher)

public static Matcher<Intent> hasExtra (String key, T value)

public static Matcher<Intent> hasExtraWithKey (String key)

public static Matcher<Intent> hasExtraWithKey (Matcher<String> keyMatcher)

public static Matcher<Intent> hasExtras (Matcher<Bundle> bundleMatcher)

public static Matcher<Intent> hasFlag (int flag)

public static Matcher<Intent> hasFlags (int... flags)

public static Matcher<Intent> hasFlags (int flags)

public static Matcher<Intent> hasPackage (String packageName)

public static Matcher<Intent> hasPackage (Matcher<String> packageMatcher)

public static Matcher<Intent> hasType (Matcher<String> typeMatcher)

public static Matcher<Intent> hasType (String type)

public static Matcher<Intent> isInternal ()

Matches an intent if its package is the same as the target package for the instrumentation test.

public static Matcher<Intent> toPackage (String packageName)

Matches an intent based on the package of activity which can handle the intent.

packageName packages of activity that can handle the intent