public final class


extends Object

Class Overview

A collection of hamcrest matchers for objects in the org.w3c.dom package (such as Document and Element).


Public Methods
static Matcher<Document> containingTextInBody(String text)
Returns a matcher that matches Documents that have a body containing the given test.
static Matcher<Document> elementById(String id, Matcher<Element> elementMatcher)
Matches Documents that have an Element with the given id that matches the given element matcher.
static Matcher<Document> elementByXPath(String xpath, Matcher<Element> elementMatcher)
Matches a XPath and validates it against the first Element that it finds in the NodeList.
static Matcher<Document> hasElementWithId(String id)
Returns a matcher that matches Documents that have at least one element with the given id.
static Matcher<Document> hasElementWithXpath(String xpath)
Returns a matcher that matches Documents that have at least one element with the given xpath.
static Matcher<Document> withBody(Matcher<Element> bodyMatcher)
Returns a matcher that matches Documents with body that matches the given matcher.
static Matcher<Element> withTextContent(String textContent)
Returns a matcher that matches Elements with the given textContent.
static Matcher<Element> withTextContent(Matcher<String> textContentMatcher)
Returns a matcher that matches Elements that have textContent matching the given matcher.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public static Matcher<Document> containingTextInBody (String text)

Returns a matcher that matches Documents that have a body containing the given test.

public static Matcher<Document> elementById (String id, Matcher<Element> elementMatcher)

Matches Documents that have an Element with the given id that matches the given element matcher.

public static Matcher<Document> elementByXPath (String xpath, Matcher<Element> elementMatcher)

Matches a XPath and validates it against the first Element that it finds in the NodeList.

public static Matcher<Document> hasElementWithId (String id)

Returns a matcher that matches Documents that have at least one element with the given id.

public static Matcher<Document> hasElementWithXpath (String xpath)

Returns a matcher that matches Documents that have at least one element with the given xpath.

public static Matcher<Document> withBody (Matcher<Element> bodyMatcher)

Returns a matcher that matches Documents with body that matches the given matcher.

public static Matcher<Element> withTextContent (String textContent)

Returns a matcher that matches Elements with the given textContent. Equivalent of withTextContent(is(textContent)).

public static Matcher<Element> withTextContent (Matcher<String> textContentMatcher)

Returns a matcher that matches Elements that have textContent matching the given matcher.